​​720- 203-4948 - carrie jordan

720-203-6325 - JEREMY JORDAN

​720-334-2506 - Brianna nelson

     The original MJS Safety LLC was founded in 1995, by Michael Stookey. His original business  plan hinged on him having a bit of fishing money.  As his client base grew by word-of-mouth, he realized there was an ever-growing need to help small mom-and-pop businesses succeed in the ever-changing landscape of OSHA, MSHA, and FMCSA compliance. 

     Mike's daughter, Carrie, joined the safety consulting world in 2000 to assist Mike in helping clients with compliance and policy preparation. Carrie's husband, Jeremy, joined them in  2010 to bring more DOT and field expertise to our clients.  Their daughter, Brianna, joined the crew in 2015, and the next generation of safety professionals was born. Mike took great pride in the fact that his side hustle fishing money business had grown into a family run operation. 

    When Mike passed away in 2021, MJS Safety as we knew it also passed away. Mikes extensive expertise in Operator Qualifications, DOT compliance and dedication to traveling tirelessly from Montana to Texas and all over Colorado and Wyoming to perform his services gave him a unique place in many operations that could not be replicated. He certainly left big shoes to fill, and a hole in the hearts of many clients who he had come to think of as friends. 

    As independent consultants, Carrie and Jeremy wanted to carry on the 'Legacy' that Michael had started - helping small businesses, and wanted to honor the heart that he put into helping his clients succeed - Michael's 'Legacy'.  MJS Legacy Safety Consulting Services will continue to honor the 'Legacy' that Mike set before us for years to come. 

​​​​​Where did

MJS Legacy Safety Consulting Services come from? 


Our goal is to help companies protect their most valuable assets - their employees. The belief that every worker home at the end of each day - 10 fingers, 10 toes, safe and sound, is not just something we say - it is something we strive to assist our clients in achieving. 

 WHO WAS THE ORIGINAL MJS? - Michael Stookey   
A former United States Marine and Vietnam Veteran, Michael spent 21 years in the asphalt paving and sand & gravel heavy-haul industry before a truck accident changed his life and took him out of driving a truck, something that he dearly loved.  After attending Front Range Community College to complete his AAS  in Transportation & Materials Management, he attended Trinidad State Junior College to complete his AAS in Occupational Safety & Health. Mike started MJS Safety to provide Workplace Safety & DOT compliance services to small companies throughout Colorado in 1995. His focus was on providing quality safety solutions to fit the needs of a variety of companies in a variety of industries, including DOT-regulated companies, construction, underground utility & wet utility construction, sand & gravel mine employers, oil & gas operators and service companies, and many other companies. Michael's extensive knowledge of the trucking industry was sought after by many in the industries he worked in. When he was not on the road serving clients he could usually be found fishing. In February 2021 Mike passed away.  The "legacy" he left behind is one of family. Those who knew him, worked with him, fished with him all have the same message - he was truly a one of a kind person and is deeply missed by his family and his friends. 

Carrie Jordan
Carrie began working with her father through MJS Safety in late 2000. She graduated from Trinidad State Junior College with an AAS in Occupational Safety & Health, and has completed many Professional Development and learning programs since finding her passion for safety. She has worked hard to promote safety in many different industries, through work with clients and volunteering on different safety committees and councils. She spends her time working with companies to find affordable safety and training solutions for today's industry requirements for both small and large companies, and to protect their most important asset - their employees. Carrie has been involved with the DJ Basin Safety Council in Fort Lupton, Colorado since 2010. She has served as Council Officer, Secretary, and current President. Carrie has also been a member of the National Utility Contractors Association Colorado Chapter Safety Committee, the Secretary for the Colorado 811 Damage Prevention Action team, and has served on numerous working committees and groups to promote safety in the workplace in Oil & Gas and Construction. In her spare time (when she has it) she is also very involved with her children, grandchildren, volunteering in the schools, serving as the elementary PTO president for  5 years, and heavily involved with FFA, 4-H & the Weld County Fair. Carrie specializes in designing safety courses, customizing safety programs, and providing training to all types of industries. 

Jeremy Jordan
Jeremy has worked in many different elements of construction, utility installation, driven small and large commercial vehicles, confined spaces, equipment maintenance, and evaluation. He is the "master of the mechanical stuff", and the go-to guy for technical questions, equipment location and servicing, confined space entry solutions, competent person for fall protection, and air monitor calibration and repair. Jeremy has been in safety since 2009. His extensive knowledge of how things work on the job site and off, as well as his determined problem-solving skills are a great asset to our company and our clients. Jeremy has been involved with the DJ Basin Safety Council since 2011, building and maintaining the Council website, and has served as an officer for the past 4 years. When not at work, Jeremy is also heavily involved with his children and their school activities. He is also an avid bow hunter, and spends a great deal of time in the Colorado high country in the fall.  

Julie Proctor

Julie is our office specialist. She joined us in 2014 to streamline our office management, prepare chemical inventories, process IFTA accounts, & prepare safety programs to meet our clients needs. Julie is the master of organization and a true asset to our company! From organization to keeping schedules in line, Julie makes our office run smoothly!  

Brianna Nelson

Brianna has worked for the company since 2010.  From answering phones to preparing completion certificates for classes, our office could not run as smoothly without her expertise! She can be seen most days in the office with a friendly smile. Chances are, if you are scheduled in for a fit test, Brianna will be the one you meet. 

Glenda Webster

Glenda has developed our monthly newsletter since 2008 to provide the most up to date safety compliance information to our clients. She works diligently each month to bring our clients all the latest news for MSHA, OSHA, DOT, Agricultural safety and workplace safety.