​​720- 203-4948 - carrie jordan

720-203-6325 - JEREMY JORDAN

​720-334-2506 - Brianna nelson

MJS Legacy Safetyprovides drug testing collections to meet your needs. We offer 3 random testing consortiums - DOT FMCSA, DOT PHMSA & non-DOT Employer drug testing pools.  There is no annual fee for our program, unlike many other consortiums, making our services an affordable alternative for your businesses growing needs. 

​Our goal is to be the total solution for your entire workplace screening program. Whether you are just starting out or are looking to transfer your drug testing from another service provider, we offer a smooth transition, personalized service, and proven solutions to meet your needs.  Let us help you more efficiently and effectively manage all your drug testing and health screenings for your Department of Transportation (DOT) and non-DOT employees.

MJS Legacy Safetycan also assist in management of 3rd party statistical reporting accounts, such as NCMS, Veriforce, and TPS Alert. We keep you compliant with not only applicable regulations, but with your client's drug testing requirements as well. 

Workplace drug-testing programs are designed to detect the presence of alcohol, illicit drugs, or certain prescription drugs. Drug testing is a prevention and deterrent method that is often part of a comprehensive drug-free workplace program for employees performing safety sensitive functions. Both federal and non-federal workplaces may have drug testing programs in place. Let us help you find the right policy and drug testing program for your company. 

Drug test collections should be scheduled by calling 720-203-6325.


Don't know if you are covered by the regulations? WE CAN HELP! 

Drug & Alcohol Testing